
An exciting summer ministry opportunity!

Join us for an adventure filled summer of ministry! We have a variety of spots to fill --maybe you fit in one of them!

We need 8 counselors, 6 operations staff and 6 high school age young people for our Leadership Live! program.


We are recruiting a team of 14 college and career age folks and six high school staff. This summer we will serve two camps that each have a long history of impactful ministry as they are now entering a new phase of growth and development. Camp Grace near Wheatland, WY was founded in 1951 and joined Ironwood’s Family of Camps in 2013 and Camp Assurance near Georgetown, IL was founded in 1949 and joined Ironwood’s Family of Camps in 2023. Our summer will begin at Camp Grace on June 2. We will have a week of intensive training, followed by three weeks of camp. Then we will pack up our bus and head to Camp Assurance for 5 more weeks! The summer commitment ends on August 2.

Maybe you can’t come for the whole summer but would like to volunteer for a day or maybe a week? We would love to know that! Leave us your info and we will contact you!


Our summer staff are considered volunteers. They will receive from us a small stipend to cover expenses but not enough to cover college expenses or pay off their school loans. We will help them communicate their financial needs to family and friends but you can give to the scholarship fund here. We will apply it to the staff member that you designate or if you don’t designate it we will share it with those who have needs. Not all of our summer staff need an educational scholarship (for college or “next steps” educational expenses only) but all of them need a team of people praying for them!

Commit to Pray

And now you can join with us without leaving home! We are looking for folks who will partner with us in our summer ministry. Our goal with this page is: 

  1. Enlist prayer support for our team 
  2. Present the scholarship fund to those who may be able to partner with us financially. 

The prayer list form is a simple form that allows you to request a weekly praises and prayer request update from us or a photo prayer card of our team. 

The scholarship fund tab is a link to a scholarship fund donation page. You can designate your gift to go towards a specific person’s scholarship or just to the general scholarship fund for us to divide among those with needs. (If  you want to help one of our staff with a personal gift to help them with expenses or just to encourage them you will need to give that directly to them rather than to the camp.)

Prayer List Form

Sign up for a prayer card and a weekly email update! 

Scholarship Fund

Contribute to the Educational Scholarship Fund

mission teams

Nehemiah Corps

We are thrilled to have a team of missionary builders join us for the second half of the summer 2025. If you are interested in coming to volunteer or have a group that is looking for a way to use the temporal to affect the eternal the Nehemiah Corps staff would love to hear from you! Contact Shelley Conway at shelley.nehemiahcorps@gmail.com or visit their website www.nehemiahcorps.com